Natasha Eadie, Sales Representative with Royal LePage Realty Plus.

How long have you been working in real estate?

I joined the real estate industry 8 years ago from a career in the insurance industry.  A background in evaluation, negotiation, contract law and dispute resolution, along with working closely with people, all laid the path to a swift and smooth transition into real estate.  I have never looked back and love what I do!

What do you think are the most important attributes of a successful real estate agent?

A real estate agent must be comfortable wearing many hats, but the attributes to be truly successful include reliability, honesty, integrity, patience, caring and strong people skills.  It is also important to understand the dynamic forces taking places in the market to achieve the best outcome possible in any given set of circumstances or market conditions. 

What attracted you to this business?

Earlier on in our careers, when our children were young, I was working as an independent insurance adjuster while my husband, Steve, started a home inspection business. While carrying a 24-hour emergency pager, often with babies strapped into car seats, we would head out to sites of property damage, sometimes in the middle of the night, to assess damage in order to restore and resolve claims.  After dealing with clients at these trying times in their lives, and understanding the financial and emotional significance that their primary dwelling holds in their lives, pursuing a career in real estate agent was a natural progression.  

Is there a particular area you specialize in, either in terms of neighbourhoods, or types of homes, or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with?

 I live in Oakville, and specialize in Oakville, Burlington and surrounding areas, from urban condos, townhouses, detached houses to rural properties.  I work with clients of all demographics from singles, couples, investors, families, down-sizers and first-time buyers.  I enjoy the variety!

In such a competitive market, with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference?

Consistently putting my clients’ interests ahead of anything else is my top priority.  I am dedicated to providing a superior customer service experience for all buyers and sellers focused on their specific real estate goals. We set individualized plans to consistently achieve results in a  smooth, seamless and enjoyable way.

Have you found opportunities to give back to your community?  

As an almost lifetime resident of Oakville, and having been married and raised my family here, I am happy to say there are many opportunities to give back.  We have sponsored numerous minor boys and girls competitive hockey teams, many of whom my husband coached. I am a supporter of the Shoebox Project-Halton Chapter, an organization that supports women facing poverty in our community.  Every December, I enjoy organizing a team of colleagues to prepare and host a Christmas meal at Kerr St Mission.


Joy Nolan (left) and Dan Bednis (right) or Royal LePage Meadowtowne

How long have you been working in real estate?

Dan: I joined the real estate profession over 9 years ago. Prior to briefly retiring in 2011, I spent 24 years in senior management with Bell Canada, followed by 15 successful years of operating my own management consulting firm. Along the way, I have personally purchased, sold and renovated over 15 properties located in urban and rural areas.

Joy: I have over 15 years of valuable experience in sales as well as management. Prior to assuming the managing broker role in 2015 for Royal LePage Meadowtowne, I spent 10 years in sales with the brokerage.

What drove the decision for the two of you to start working together?  And what are the advantages for your clients of working with a team?

Dan: As the saying goes, “everyone can achieve more together”. It is this teaming concept that inspired us to join forces and form a partnership. Joy and I were both searching for ways to further strengthen our respective positions in the marketplace, and it became obvious that we should come together as equal partners. There was a true alignment in our beliefs and work ethic, as well as a sincere desire to fully meet the needs of our clients.

Is there a particular area you both specialize in, either in terms of neighbourhoods, or types of homes, or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with?

Joy: We both have experience in urban and rural properties, and we believe this adds to our strength and competitive advantage. Being able to leverage all of this knowledge brings significant benefits to our many clients.

In such a competitive market, with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference?

Dan: As seasoned professionals, we feel our combined, extensive past experiences and in-depth knowledge provide a sound foundation for understanding the real needs and objectives of our clients. We have both purchased and sold a large number of properties for personal purposes. Accordingly, because we are intimately familiar with real estate transactions both from a buyer’s and seller’s perspective, we feel we can empathize with our clients. We constantly strive to make our clients’ real estate experiences as stress-free as possible!

George Niblock, Sales Representative with Royal LePage in Oakville

How long have you been working in real estate?

I’ve been in real estate in Oakville for 21 years. I started at age 25 (before I or any of my friends owned houses) by selling my friends’ parents’ southeast Oakville properties as they began to downsize.  I really had to learn fast. Luckily I had some great local mentors along the way, Gail Bird and Gillian Cockcroft – both top producing veterans with impeccable reputations.

What do you think is the most important attribute of a successful real estate agent?

I learned that your reputation is the number one thing to protect in real estate. People are looking for a trustworthy, knowledgeable agent with common sense to guide them through one of the most valuable financial transactions in their lives. It is key that you have a long view of your career in real estate. No one deal is ever worth compromising your professional integrity to achieve.

What attracted you to this business?

I love real estate because I get to work with a variety of people every day. I also love houses. I’ve restored my own heritage homes and built new custom homes and I love helping clients envision what a home or property could be. Since I have been through the process myself, I’ve got important knowledge and contacts to help clients have a smooth experience.

In such a competitive market, with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference?

When it comes time to sell, I often get called in to advise clients on what they should do to their homes to maximize the value and prepare the home for the market. Unfortunately sometimes we make the house look so good they don’t want to leave anymore! It takes a high comfort level for someone to sign an offer to buy a home. So usually this means a lot of time has gone in to understanding what all the options are. Local knowledge is a key factor here.

Have you found opportunities to give back to the Oakville community?

I joined the board of the Oakville Lakeside Resident’s Association when I bought a house in Old Oakville, and was soon handed the role of President. The role involves a deep understanding of local development issues and matters impacting our town. In my role on the board of We❤️ Oakville (focused on saving the Town from Provincially mandated amalgamation), I was humbled to receive the first ever ‘Key to the Town’ from Mayor Burton.

Isaac Phillips, Sales Representative with Royal LePage State Realty in Hamilton

How long have you been working in real estate?

I am currently working in my 40th year as a Realtor, all with the same company (Royal LePage). It may sound like a long time, but I still approach the business with as much energy and drive as I did on day one.

What is it that makes you so passionate about what you do?

Every day is different, bringing new clients, new situations, and new challenges.  Finding people their perfect home and helping them through the transaction is really satisfying.

What attracted you to this business?

I really enjoyed architectural drafting in school, and houses have always interested me.

Is there a particular area you specialize in, either in terms of neighbourhoods, or types of homes, or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with?

After decades of helping people with their real estate needs, we most often deal with repeat clients, because they trust us based on experience and they refer family and friends to us. I strive to provide all clients, no matter the price point or the type of property, with the best exposure, information, and level of service.

In such a competitive market, with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference?

Experience, professionalism and dedication. My philosophy has never changed – do what is right and provide value to the people you work with. I believe trust, integrity and transparency are of the utmost importance in this business. I use my experience and negotiating skills to do my best to ensure the process of buying or selling is as smooth and stress free as possible. In 2019, I was honoured to be chosen as one of only 36 Royal LePage realtors in the country to be inducted in to the Royal LePage Hall of Fame in recognition of my service to the profession and our community.

Terry Smith

Terry Smith: Real Estate Broker Agent with Re/Max Aboutowne Realty in Oakville

How long have you been working in real estate? 

Since August, 2010, so coming up on ten years!

What is it that makes you so passionate about what you do? 

Getting homes ready for market!  My wife, an amazing stager, and I work as partners in carefully managing improvements in our client’s homes, and then making staging adjustments to maximize the selling price when they list. We LOVE this part of the process and know that we offer unique value in this area. 

What attracted you to this business? 

I had been very involved in real estate throughout most of my earlier business career, completing several significant restoration projects on historic homes over the years. I also built a handful of very high quality spec homes in a “heritage style” about 10-12 years ago. Becoming a real estate agent was a natural outgrowth of this, and it is my favourite job in all my career!

Is there a particular area you specialize in, either in terms of neighbourhoods, or types of homes, or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with? 

We do a lot of work in the more mature areas of South Oakville and Burlington, with a special affinity for character homes, but we work everywhere and in all types of homes. We work with clients in all stages of their home buying and selling life.

In such a competitive market, with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference? 

I consider myself to be in the service business, not the sales business. And I am totally focused on getting my sellers the highest possible price. My wife and I are a package deal. We have deep relationships with trades who we work in partnership with to make our clients’ homes shine. We have a very significant investment in staging inventory as well.  We know how to price homes properly. And we use the best photography and design.  It’s all about the highest service and the best results. We love what we do.

How long have you been working in real estate? 

Since the early 2000’s.

What is it that makes you so passionate about what you do? 

3 things come to mind. Firstly, in real estate I feel that you learn more about people, communities, and life than almost any other profession out there. Secondly, I love being a part of the journey.  From first time Buyers to Sellers moving into retirement and all of those steps in-between.  Lastly, feeling a sense of accomplishment when I am up against a deadline and we only have one shot to get it right, and it turns out better than we could have imagined, that’s my favourite! I do it for the rush! 

What attracted you to this business? 

Life rarely goes as planned, sometimes it turns out even better! I was in my mid 20’s, and took an administrative position with a Broker to pass time while waiting on some other entrepreneurial business ventures to come together. I told him during the job interview that I would be there for 6 months, maybe 1-year max. Needless to say, I never left! Each of us have that one thing we are really good at, and I believe I accidentally stumbled upon my craft. Soon after becoming licensed, I drifted into investing, constructing, renovating, etc and have been gaining experience in all the different dimensions of real estate ever since.   

Is there a particular area you specialize in, either in terms of neighbourhoods, or types of homes, or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with? 

Neighbourhoods – Our company has 18 offices across Southern Ontario. This coverage area offers a level of convenience that clients really appreciate.

Type – commercial, residential, farms, condos, vacant lots – I am familiar with it all. And am always investing in learning more about more.

Clients – I appreciate Every. Single. Bit. of business that I receive. Even the ‘hard’ clients make my day. After peeling back the layers, they’re usually my favourites!  

In such a competitive market, with so many REALTORS® , what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference? 

I am able to offer clients years of knowledge, skills, techniques, experience and connections that they can leverage. We have proven systems in place, and I ALWAYS answer my phone. These things all make a huge difference in this highly competitive real estate market.

Colette Cooper

Colette Cooper: Real Estate Broker Agent with Royal LePage State Realty


How long have you been working in real estate?

I have had the privilege of selling real estate for over 26 years.  I knew when I got licensed as a sales representative (I am now a Broker), this would be a long-term profession for me.  

What is it that makes you so passionate about what you do?

Every day is different, every client, situation and every property is different and all this makes my job (for the most part) very interesting.  Since I started working at 16 years of age, I have always been in the “Service industry”.  I love talking with people, and establishing relationships and trust.  Then to share their enthusiasm in finding the house of their dreams, or selling their house with as little stress as possible, gives me the energy and enthusiasm to do it again. 

What attracted you to this business?

The real estate business always seemed to me as a very exciting and prestigious business. Prior to getting into real estate, I owned my own fitness and personal training business. My mother was a successful business owner, and I must have inherited her entrepreneurial spirit.

Is there a particular area you specialize in, either in terms of neighbourhoods, or types of homes or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with?

Moving from Quebec when I was very young, I have lived in Burlington and primarily Hamilton for most of my life. I specialize in residential real estate and feel very comfortable and knowledgeable about selling houses and condos in Hamilton, Ancaster, Dundas, Burlington and nearby communities. I live in the Kirkendall area of Hamilton and especially enjoy working here too. 

In such a competitive market with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference?

I am a very dedicated, honest and knowledgeable realtor and I believe people sense that in me. My CC SELLS Marketing Plan has really impressed my seller clients.  I do a number of things which are unique to the business and feel that has given me an edge.  It is all part of my way of offering superior “service”. 

E. Martin Mazza, Realtor with The Mazza Team (Royal LePage State Realty)

How long have you been working in real estate?

30 + years in the business… I will leave it at that!

What is it that makes you so passionate about what you do?

I love helping people!  I love houses, and design and creativity, but ultimately the “people part” of the business is my passion.  There are amazing people in this world, and I do my best to find them every day! I have developed relationships over 30 years that are so dear and close to me.  I have been so fortunate to not only sell houses to friends, but I have sold so many houses to clients, who have become friends.

What attracted you to this business?

My father is a real estate lawyer and he introduced me to real estate opportunities at a young age.  I remember helping him close deals during the summer months of high school by going to the Registry Office at that time, when things had to be registered by paper.  Of course, our world has changed so much and it’s only electronic now.

Is there a particular area you specialize in, either in terms of neighbourhoods, or types of homes, or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with?

I am born and raised in Hamilton, went to the original Bishop Ryan High School, and then McMaster.  I work all the corners of the Greater Hamilton area.  The word “specialize” to me seems very limiting.  I love to learn as much about all facets and segments of the market as I can.  If a long-time residential client of mine wants an investment property, or needs a commercial property for their business, I want to be able to service all of that with confidence.

In such a competitive market, with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference?

How do we stand out, what are our secrets to success, how do we make a difference…? You will just have to interview us to sell your house to figure all of that out!

Michael Brejnik of Royal LePage Burloak Real Estate Services.

How long have you been working in real estate?

I started in real estate right out of University 17 years ago and haven’t looked back.

What is it that makes you so passionate about what you do?

Every day is different. I love the excitement of not knowing what each day will bring. I am very social and really enjoy taking the time to get to know all about my clients. I consider it an honour to be a part of their decision to buy or sell their biggest asset.

What attracted you to this business?

I come from a family of builders but that didn’t quite seem like the right fit for me. Real estate felt like a natural extension of that and I have always excelled at sales.

Is there a particular area you specialize in, either in terms of neighborhoods, or types of homes, or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with?

I don’t like to be typecast, but it has seemed to work out that a lot of my business is in the luxury market. However, I sell all types of homes, and every price range gets the exact same treatment and exposure. One of my team members, Jules, specializes in seniors and first-time buyers.

In such a competitive market, with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference?

Real estate is heavily saturated with agents and there is certainly a lot of choice. It is important for me to take the personal approach with all of my clients, which is why I have a very small team with a boutique style of marketing. If my clients call me, they will get me.

Michael Brejnik is a sales representative with Royal LePage Burloak Real Estate Services. You can connect with him on his professional Facebook and Instagram channels at @MichaelBrejnik, or by visiting his website at .