After hanging out at home over the last few months, you may be thinking it is time to make some changes. Are your wall colours too bland? Do you dream of taking down a wall to open up a space? Many of us will seek outside help when it comes to making these decisions, but the jargon surrounding home improvement can be confusing — does your project need an interior designer or an interior decorator? The two professions certainly have similarities, but both offer different skills that will benefit your finished project.

What’s the difference?

Surely with a name so similar, they must be interchangeable, right?

The answer is ‘no’.

An interior decorator focuses mainly on the aesthetics of a space — a personal stylist for your home! Interior decorators have an abundance of creative vision and artistic taste, and while no formal schooling is required, many do have extra training. They concentrate on colour palettes, furnishings, and create beautiful livability using the space you already have. “Interior decorators look after everything from the drywall out!” say Anita Puls and Kim Giancaterino from Burlington Design Studio.

An interior designer, on the other hand, is someone licensed with accredited post-secondary training in all aspects of home remodeling, and this usually includes an apprenticeship with a designer. Much of their education is spent on drawing, space planning, design, building code, and architecture. An interior designer is proficient at drawing up floor plans and they will work hand-in-hand with your contractor or architect to ensure they can achieve your dream — even if it means reworking the walls and layout of your home.

Who should you hire for the job?

Before you decide which person is right for the job, you need to evaluate the scope of your project. Are you planning to add or remove walls and windows or are you mainly focused on reworking the esthetics of your space?

Tamara Grant, a local interior decorator and stager, feels it is essential to know the needs of the client beforehand. “It’s important to know your style and preferences since it is being decorated for you to stay and enjoy,” she says. “I like to start by coming up with a colour palette or theme to draw from.” While many clients may feel overwhelmed with the endless choices, Tamara knows that it’s important to take your time. “Do it in layers, start with furniture, add curtains, then pop in the colour with art and pillows, and finish off with tabletop décor.” Another added bonus to hiring a professional decorator is the shopping advantage. Tamara notes, “It helps to have somebody with a keen eye for design and who also knows the best places to shop for furniture and accessories,” she says. Definitely a bonus!

If your renovation involves structural work, you should enlist the help of an interior designer. They aim to improve the functionality of your space, not just the décor and feel of the room. Their expertise in drawing up floor plans, troubleshooting structural issues, and acquiring building permits is a necessity for large projects. A designer offers a trained eye that can really impact the plans of your changing space.

Whichever you choose, make sure their vision is aligned with yours. “Designing and decorating a home requires many considerations like style, functionality, architectural details, and space planning,” Anita and Kim advise, “A professionally trained eye can pull all these elements together to create a cohesive space with a timeless design that will last for many years to come.”

Tips from the professionals

Make your space liveable by keeping it bright and refreshed. Tamara Grant knows lighting is key, “Light is major! Whether it’s natural sunlight, overhead lighting, or task lighting — big and bright is the goal.”

Include natural elements in a space to create a warm and inviting home during the fall and winter months. “Using live plants and fresh greenery, and also including textured fabrics such as velvets, mohair, and wools on accent pillows and throw blankets, really help to cozy up a space during the cold months,” suggests Anita Puls. Warm colour hues such as cinnamon, caramel, cognac, and deep earthy greens immediately add a warm, intimate vibe.

Written By: Kristen Sanchioni

Many of us have heard the same health recommendation for the past few months — as much as possible, stay home. As summer draws to a close and entertainment ideas wane, why not create a defined space to meet your family’s needs? A designated games room or entertainment area provides convenience and recreation in the comfort of your own home. From family games to home theatre and sound systems, choices and customizations are endless. You may never want to leave the house again!

The best kind of entertainment is something that can be shared with the whole family. Games like foosball, billiards, air hockey, and darts are always a good investment, but the choice is dependent on the size of the space you have available.

Foosball is fast-paced and fun, great for adults and kids of all ages. The table also takes up far less space than a pool table or shuffleboard, and there are even smaller tabletop options that can be stored away when not in use.
Air hockey tables come in a variety of sizes and are another alternative if space is limited. Darts — that popular pub classic — brings out a friendly competitive spirit and come in boards or cabinets, if you prefer the added benefit of storage.

Billiards, shuffleboard, and ping pong tables are solid and large, so the size of your games room is an important factor in whether or not one can be part of your vision. “For those with a lot of room, billiards and ping pong tables have been tremendous sellers for us,” says Jeremy Kalapacz from Oakville Home Leisure. “Billiards, ping pong, foosball, and darts, are all games your family can enjoy for many years; it really just comes down to space constrictions”.

Feel like recapturing some childhood memories? Video arcade machines bring a retro touch to any gaming area. Many of the ones built for at-home use are multi-gamed with all of your classic favourites.


The idea of creating a cinematic experience the whole family can enjoy is appealing. “We have definitely seen an increased interest in home theatres and whole-home audio. Families still want to be able to have a night at the movies and they want it without the worry and concern of having to leave their homes,” says Sarah Love from PM WYRE in Burlington. “We also have frequent requests to improve the WIFI and internet infrastructure of family homes to support the increased demand for streaming movies, gaming, and online learning.”

While it can seem pricey upfront, upgrading movie night means more date nights in and fewer trips to an overpriced snack bar.

As the demand for home theatre and sound systems grows, take the time to do your due diligence and research which system is optimal for your home. You may want the largest TV on the market but consider the size in relation to the seating the space offers.
If putting together your dream theatre and sound system seems overwhelming, speak with professionals who can gauge your needs and budget, and come up with a customized plan for your family.

Another popular option is expanding your entertainment space into the backyard. People are beginning to transform their outdoor space into a recreational option to adhere to social distancing requirements. “We have promised our clients for years the opportunity to come home, press one button, and use technology to help create a unique experience, which extends to all of the home,” remarks Robert May from Sounds Good in Oakville, “What about a summer drive-in movie experience in the backyard with your new outdoor TV?”

A designated at-home entertainment area isn’t just for the kids. It brings the family together across all generations for some healthy competition and enjoyment.


Oakville Home & Leisure –

Oakville Sight & Sound –

Sounds Good Inc. – 

Fairview Hi Fi (Burlington) –

PM Wyre (Burlington) –

The Pool Shoppe (Hamilton) –

How long have you been working in real estate?

Sarit: I have been in the business since 1997 and Jordan has been since 2009. We both also grew up with parents in the business, so our exposure to the business runs even deeper. 

What is it that makes you so passionate about what you do?

Jordan: I love that we get to be the guides for one of the most important decisions that our clients will make in their lives. We get the unique opportunity to be invited into people’s homes every day and their level of trust in us combined with the weight of the decisions often foster friendships that last a lifetime. Combine that level of intimacy with the strategic components of marketing a home, negotiating offers, and understanding construction and you have a pretty exciting and all-encompassing career!

What are the advantages of working with a family (mother/son) team?

Sarit: I often tell clients that one of my favourite parts of working with my son is that I can’t divorce him even if I wanted to. Joking aside, I truly value getting to work with my son almost every day. We know each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and are fortunate that they seem to balance out almost perfectly. As a mother that gives me lots of quality time with my son, and for our clients that gives them an unrivalled level of service.

Is there a particular area you specialize in, either in terms of neighbourhoods, or types of homes, or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with?

Jordan: We get asked this question all the time! While consumers tend to think that we specialize in high end homes and the Western segment of Hamilton (Dundas, Ancaster, Flamborough, and  West Hamilton) we
truly enjoy working
with clients in all areas of the city. From first time home buyers to seniors and from starter homes to multi-million dollar estate properties, the common thread in our business is  that we like to work with clients that enjoy working with us!

In such a competitive market, with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference?

Sarit: I truly believe that we offer the complete package to our clients. I am often referred to as a “shark” in negotiations, yet our clients know me as a compassionate shoulder to lean on and also someone who studies all new listings and sales on a daily basis to ensure I have up to date information on the market. Jordan has a passion for renovating, is also a registered builder, and has a background in economics that makes it easy for our clients to lean on his advice before reaching out to specialists in these areas. We also aren’t afraid to spend a considerable amount of money advertising our listings…check out the 4 pages we have in this magazine as one example of that!


One of the essential aspects of every mortgage application is the discussion pertaining to your down payment. Home purchases in Canada require a minimum down payment of your own funds to be put towards the purchase. It is important that during the discussions with your Mortgage Broker that all the cards are on the table pertaining to your down payment. Doing so can save you time and stress later on in the process.

Most home buyers are aware that they will require a certain amount of money for a down payment. What many do not realize is that lenders are required to verify the source of the funds to ensure that they are coming from an acceptable source. Here are a few facts to keep in mind:

1. Lenders require a 90-day bank account history for the bank account holding the down payment funds. The statements must include your name, account number and statement dates. These statements can be savings, chequing, RRSP, TFSA etc. but moving money around before these accounts are confirmed will only require more documentation. Do not move any funds until after your down payment has been verified by the lender.

2. A common hesitation that we often hear from clients is that their bank statements include a lot of personal details. As professionals, we completely understand our clients’ concerns pertaining to your personal information and we always ensure that information is protected. Statements provided with blacked out names, account numbers or any other details are not acceptable. Unaltered documents are a requirement of confirming the down payment funds.

3. All large or unusual deposits need to be verified to ensure the source of those large deposits can be confirmed and can be used towards the down payment.

• Received a gift from an immediate family member? Easy, gift letter signed.

• Sold a vehicle? Easy, provide receipt of sale.

• CRA Tax Return? Easy, Notice of Assessment confirming the return amount.

• Transfer of funds from your TFSA? Easy, provide the 90-day history for the TFSA showing the withdrawal.

• Friend lent you money for the house purchase…. Deal Breaker.

• A large deposit into your account that you cannot provide confirmation for…. Deal Breaker!

4. You were told that your minimum down payment was 5%, great! However, did you know that you are also required to show that you have an additional 1.5% of the purchase price saved to cover closing costs like legal fees?

5. Ensure that the funds for the down payment and closing costs stay in your bank account once you’ve provided confirmation. Those funds should only leave your account when they are provided to your lawyer to complete the purchase. Lenders have the right to request updated statements closer to closing to ensure that the down payment is still there. If money is moved around, spent or if there are more large deposits into your account, those will all have to be confirmed.

The last thing that anyone wants when purchasing a property is added stress or for something to go wrong late in the process. Be open with you Mortgage Broker, we are here to help and to guide you through the process. Not sure about something pertaining to your down payment funds? Ask us. We are here to work you through the buying process by making sure you know exactly what you need to do.

If you have ever gone through the process of searching for a new home, you have likely seen houses that check all the boxes yet found a reason not to make an offer. On the flip side, you may have found a home that checked a few of the boxes and known right away “this is the one.” For many homebuyers, this is likely a familiar scenario. The trouble is, while most people list functional requirements, they don’t add “has the right feeling” to their checklist.

Typically, buyers include three bedrooms, walk-out basement or pool on their checklist but rarely include a calm, zen backyard (because they’re reclusive), or low-maintenance bricked yard for entertaining (because they have a busy social life). The emotional side of house hunting isn’t something that’s often discussed in the real estate world, but the fact is that many people end up purchasing a home based on how they felt walking in the front door. For professional real estate agents, it’s all about communication with the client and asking the right questions. Some people can’t express what they want, so once you narrow down location and price range, it’s important to ask what sort of feel they’re looking for. Are they looking for a cozy country home, or something really modern? And if they’re not sure, one idea might be to start by showing them homes at opposite ends of the spectrum and gauge their reactions to each.

So, how do you narrow down the search from 20 homes to just a few that fit this emotional response?  For some clients, it will take seeing 20 homes. But, by understanding the style and atmosphere the client wants, it can help eliminate unnecessary showings.

This can be especially helpful considering the recent changes in the industry and the absence of open houses. Making appointments to see homes is not as straightforward as it once was, so any legwork that can be done ahead of time is going to help the process along. Even with every box on your list checked, what if the home is on a busy street when you’re looking for peace and quiet? Or the layout feels awkward when you function better in an open-concept floor plan?

On a personal note, when I was searching for my first home as a singleton, I had a checklist of only a few items. I wanted to be close to work, have two bedrooms and a nice yard. Easy, right? In the end, every home I looked at in the city was too noisy, too cramped, or too busy. By some off chance, I found a tiny little ranch bungalow in Pickering on Frenchman’s Bay. It was an old converted cottage, a bit run down and small, but the backyard was glorious, and it was by the water. It was on a quiet street but also right off the 401, so only a 20-minute drive to work. I had looked at approximately 15 homes before this, clearly not understanding that what I really wanted was a quiet place by the water.

Before you start working with a realtor or set up appointments to see homes, ask yourself how you want to feel in your home. It’s not hard to find a home with three bedrooms, three baths and a walk-out basement, but it’s harder to find a house that just feels right.

Written by: Julie Achtermeier 

Isaac Phillips, Sales Representative with Royal LePage State Realty in Hamilton

How long have you been working in real estate?

I am currently working in my 40th year as a Realtor, all with the same company (Royal LePage). It may sound like a long time, but I still approach the business with as much energy and drive as I did on day one.

What is it that makes you so passionate about what you do?

Every day is different, bringing new clients, new situations, and new challenges.  Finding people their perfect home and helping them through the transaction is really satisfying.

What attracted you to this business?

I really enjoyed architectural drafting in school, and houses have always interested me.

Is there a particular area you specialize in, either in terms of neighbourhoods, or types of homes, or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with?

After decades of helping people with their real estate needs, we most often deal with repeat clients, because they trust us based on experience and they refer family and friends to us. I strive to provide all clients, no matter the price point or the type of property, with the best exposure, information, and level of service.

In such a competitive market, with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference?

Experience, professionalism and dedication. My philosophy has never changed – do what is right and provide value to the people you work with. I believe trust, integrity and transparency are of the utmost importance in this business. I use my experience and negotiating skills to do my best to ensure the process of buying or selling is as smooth and stress free as possible. In 2019, I was honoured to be chosen as one of only 36 Royal LePage realtors in the country to be inducted in to the Royal LePage Hall of Fame in recognition of my service to the profession and our community.

Are you house-hunting or have just moved into your new home in the Hamilton area?

Well, if your answer is yes to either, you may be interested in knowing about the best coffee shops across the Greater Hamilton Area — including Hamilton, Waterdown and Dundas —to help you stay energized as you bustle through this busy period in your life.

We’ve compiled a list of all of the best local and independently-owned coffee shops that will provide you with a warm welcome, a cozy atmosphere and some quality espresso (or fine tea)!


Democracy, 202 Locke St. South

Located on beautiful Locke Street, in the heart of downtown Hamilton, Democracy offers quality coffee and friendly vibes. During the warmer months, they open their front window so customers can enjoy the fresh air. Along with their gourmet coffee, Democracy’s menu features craft beer, baked goods and vegan dishes.


Mulberry Street Coffeehouse, 193 James St. North

Located in a historic building (built in 1887 by Thomas Allen) along James Street North’s art district, Mulberry is a charming coffee house that pays homage to the history and artistry of their location. Visitors will notice the building’s original plaster ceiling medallions along with the original inlaid tilework on the floor of the cafe. As well, visitors can browse the myriad of local art showcased on the walls, while they enjoy their specialty espresso drink or a decadent baked good.


Durand Coffee, 142 Charlton Ave. West

Founded in 2016 by partners Christine Larabie and Chris Redmond, Durand Coffee is a quaint cafe in the Heart of Hamilton,  named after the neighbourhood it resides in. Stop by this coffee joint for friendly service, a cozy environment and the promise that you’ll only be served the highest quality of coffee. With a rotating menu and unique seasonal offerings, you’ll find a variety of espresso-based beverages, freshly-baked pastries, hand brews, and steamed drinks including their own Durand Chai Latte.


Paisley Coffeehouse & Eatery, 1020 King St. West

Located along a row of independent shops and restaurants in Hamilton’s bustling Westdale Village, Paisley Coffeehouse serves organic and fair-trade coffee, as well as hearty breakfast meals, decadent baked goods and happy-hour food. 


Ark + Anchor Espresso Bar, 300 King St. West

This small, cozy, and socially-minded café is known for supporting local businesses around the Hamilton area by stocking and selling their products. Both an espresso bar and a restaurant, visitors can enjoy a quality espresso drink along with a sweet pastry, a hearty breakfast or a nutritious (vegan) lunch.


Detour Café, 41 King St. West (Dundas)

If you love rich coffee or gourmet teas, head on over to Detour Café in Dundas (a community in Hamilton). Detour uses locally sourced ingredients, supporting both small vendors and farmers alike. Along with their quality espresso and tea, Detour serves hearty breakfasts and artisan sandwiches in their modern yet cozy setting.


Caniche French Bakery, 346 Wilson St. East (Ancaster)

Caniche is a community bakery in the heart of Ancaster Village. French inspired, Caniche Bakery specializes in baguettes, croissants, custom cakes and a variety of pastries baked fresh daily. They also serve Balzac’s coffee and Kusmi tea, which can be enjoyed with friends in the spacious and cozy cafe. 


Copper Kettle Café, 312 Dundas St. East (Waterdown)

Located just outside Hamilton, in the Village of Waterdown, this quaint and spacious coffeehouse is known for their excellent coffee and their famous farm-fresh apple fritters. With lots of comfortable seating and tables available, it’s a great coffeehouse to catch up with friends or engage in some remote work.

E. Martin Mazza, Realtor with The Mazza Team (Royal LePage State Realty)

How long have you been working in real estate?

30 + years in the business… I will leave it at that!

What is it that makes you so passionate about what you do?

I love helping people!  I love houses, and design and creativity, but ultimately the “people part” of the business is my passion.  There are amazing people in this world, and I do my best to find them every day! I have developed relationships over 30 years that are so dear and close to me.  I have been so fortunate to not only sell houses to friends, but I have sold so many houses to clients, who have become friends.

What attracted you to this business?

My father is a real estate lawyer and he introduced me to real estate opportunities at a young age.  I remember helping him close deals during the summer months of high school by going to the Registry Office at that time, when things had to be registered by paper.  Of course, our world has changed so much and it’s only electronic now.

Is there a particular area you specialize in, either in terms of neighbourhoods, or types of homes, or perhaps the type of clients you like to work with?

I am born and raised in Hamilton, went to the original Bishop Ryan High School, and then McMaster.  I work all the corners of the Greater Hamilton area.  The word “specialize” to me seems very limiting.  I love to learn as much about all facets and segments of the market as I can.  If a long-time residential client of mine wants an investment property, or needs a commercial property for their business, I want to be able to service all of that with confidence.

In such a competitive market, with so many realtors, what do you offer your clients that you think makes a difference?

How do we stand out, what are our secrets to success, how do we make a difference…? You will just have to interview us to sell your house to figure all of that out!