Entries by Jenn

Ring In The New Year With New Flooring

One of your home’s most noticeable design elements is actually right under your feet. Whether you realize it or not, your choice for flooring has a critical impact on the entire look and feel of every room in the house. And with the new year on the way, it’s time for you to look at […]

Beyond Your Home – Investment Opportunities in Real Estate

Back in early 2017 when the real estate market in the Greater Toronto Area was red hot, we received a call from a client who wanted to start flipping homes with a purchase-fix-sale cycle of 6-8 months. What emerged from that first conversation was a plan to firstly assess the investment goals of our client […]

Save Money And Stay Warm With These Efficient Heating Tips

With freezing temperatures right now in most parts of the country, you’re probably bracing yourself for the cold and the inevitable hit to your wallet. You’re already bundling up to help keep warm, but what else can you do besides crank up the heat? Try the following tips to help keep your home heated efficiently […]

Gardening For Small Spaces

Gardening can take place no matter what the size of your home. It’s just a matter of prioritizing your needs and wants, heeding your location and growing seasons, and being creative with the space you have. If an edible garden is your thing, almost all fruits and vegetables can be grown in a pot or […]